How to share your Tour Booking link with Prospective Renters

Please note:

  • You don't have to manually add your listings link to each unit. When a renter submits an inquiry, River emails them a booking link automatically.
  • Every vacant unit has a specific link that is generated. You can share this link if you want people to book a specific unit. Again, this is completely optional.
  • If you use Craigslist heavily, then please refer to our Craigslist integration automation for rental properties

Step 1:

  1. Go to your dashboard and copy your booking link. This is your public page which contains all your vacant properties. Renters will interact with River from this link

Dashboard with highlighted profile link

Step 2:

  1. Add this booking link to the description part of your vacant units on the listing website you prefer or just to your property management software that syndicates listings. You can also share this link over email or text if you want someone to book right away.

page showing the rent of a unit

Step 3:

  1. Optional step - Copy the unit-specific link from the "On-market" page. This is automated via email but you're welcome to use these links if you want to manually reply to inquiries about specific properties/units.

On-market units page

You're done!

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