Privacy Policy


LetHub has created and implemented this Privacy Policy so you can understand how and why LetHub collects, uses, discloses, retains and destroys your Personal Information for the purposes of LetHub’s Product/Service is in Canada and the United States.  We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy and ask any questions prior to confirming your agreement to this Privacy Policy.

This Policy outlines what you can expect from us when you visit our Website.

By using our Website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

About Us

LetHub “”, “” and Vcancy “” owned by Grit AI Tech Inc., provides Property Managers, Landlords and Renters with a tool to schedule viewing times, pre-qualify renters, run ID verification checks, troubleshoot and submit maintenance requests, submit and view online rental applications.

A Detailed Explanation of What We Do

LetHub provides landlords and property managers with an online administrative dashboard from which they can monitor their rental properties, schedule showing/viewing times, pre-qualify renters, manage maintenance requests, run ID verification checks, receive online rental applications and run credit and background checks. It is an end-to-end service that helps landlords find the best tenants in the most automated way.

For renters and prospective tenants, LetHub provides a chat assistant that can schedule viewing time/s for multiple rental properties with the same user profile/account, prequalify them, answer specific questions, and troubleshoot and submit maintenance requests.

We intend to expand the web application’s capabilities in the future for a smoother customer experience.

Vcancy is a simple listing website that helps landlords find renters.  


  • “us, we, our, LetHub or Vcancy” operates the LetHub online platform through the,,, and
  • “you or your” means a tenant or a landlord that accesses the LetHub online platform for the purposes of finding rental accommodation or providing rental accommodation respectively.
  • “Personal Information” means information about an identifiable individual and includes employee personal information, but does not include contact information (information at an individual’s place of business such as business telephone number, business email or business fax number) or work product information (information prepared/collected by an individual or group related to the individual or group’s employment/business).
  • “Cookies” are small text files offered to a user’s computer by web servers in order to keep track of the user’s browser as a website is navigated.
  • “Website” means the website operated by LetHub and located at,,, and
  • “Service” means the practices and procedures which and website, including all subpages and successor pages (collectively referred to as the “Website”), and also applies to all software and that we offer, including the Tenant Screening form that may be made available on a third-party website, or other services that we offer through our Website when you register for a LetHub account (collectively referred to as the “Service”).

Compliant with British Columbia’s Privacy Legislation

LetHub complies with British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act and with other applicable privacy legislation.  In addition, LetHub complies with the United States Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.  We share and obtain information securely with trusted third parties only when needed to provide services, prevent fraud, and meet legal requirements.

Data Security

To protect your privacy, we limit the amount of sensitive data we store on our servers.  For example, we do not store the contents of credit reports or background checks, or credit card numbers.  When we do store financial information, we encrypt and protect that data on secure servers.  The credit reports and background check data that we pull are from third party companies and vendors.

Why we collect your Personal Information

When you first use our Service we ask you for some information.  We use this information:

  • For the purpose of providing the Service and the Website. We will only collect, use, and disclose your Personal Information with your knowledge and consent, except in limited situations where permitted or required by law.
  • We may collect information from various sources, including credit reporting agencies, collection agencies, government entities and legal suppliers.
  • We also collect information from you directly:
  • When you sign up for a LetHub account.
  • When you provide information as part of our identity verification process.
  • When you fill out a form or enter information on the Website.
  • When you upload information to the Service.
  • When you participate in promotions offered by LetHub or our partners.
  • When you respond to our surveys, or
  • When you otherwise communicate with us.

For landlords and Property Managers

When you register for an account, you voluntarily provide and we may collect certain Personal Information, including the following:

  • Your name/s, company name, location, email address, phone number, and account password.
  • Payment information, to complete your transactions.
  • Your IP addresses, devices, and locations used to access LetHub.
  • Information regarding your rental property.
  • The time you’re showing your property to prospective renters/tenants to make it available to renters/tenants to book a viewing time.
  • Logs, contact information and other information about the communications between the past, present or potential renters (“Renters”)

For Prospective Tenants and Renters

When you register for an account, you voluntarily provide us with the following Personal Information:

  • Contact information, including your telephone number, email address and postal code.
  • Credit information, including credit checks, credit references, your name, current/former address, date of birth, marital status, social insurance number, current/ former employment, paying habits, outstanding debt obligations, estimated income, current income information, cost of living obligations, etc.
  • Credit reports, obtained from one or more credit-reporting agencies.
  • Publicly and privately accessible information, including, but not limited to information from public records, tenant database records, social media content, information accessible via the internet, etc.
  • Rental history information.
  • Government issued for the purpose of verification before a showing
  • Additional information that you provide to us or to our customers for the purpose of providing the Service.
  • Social Profiles: results from a scan of the internet and public social media profiles for information containing content published by you, about you or on your behalf.

Consumer Report Information will only be disclosed to authorized third parties with your further express consent, which you will be asked to provided through our Service or Website.

Certain additional information may also be collected in connection with the Services, including:

  • Payment/billing information, to complete your transactions.
  • Your IP addresses, devices, and locations used to access LetHub.

The additional information specified herein is not Consumer Report Information, and will not be included with information disclosed to authorized third parties.

When we disclose your Personal Information

  • To potential landlords that have apartments or houses to rent.
  • When required or permitted by law.
  • To third parties, to collect and evaluate additional information about you, in connection with provision of the Service.
  • If LetHub is ever sold, or if we merge or amalgamate with another company, or transfer part or all of our shares or assets, we may disclose and/or transfer Personal Information to our successor or assign who may collect, use and disclose the Personal Information for substantially the same purposes as described in this Privacy Policy.
  • To provide any marketing offers and products from third party companies.
  • To fulfill our obligations under consumer reporting and privacy legislation, as well as any other legal or regulatory obligation.
  • To investigate or to assist in the investigation of a contravention of a law and/or fraudulent activities.
  • To summarize your information (including personal information) that you provided to us or our affiliates;
  • To measure consumer interest in our products and services;

How we protect your Personal Information

  • We will take all reasonable safeguards that are necessary to protect your information.
  • We will dispose of your information in an appropriate and secure manner when it is no longer required.
  • We will protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information when dealing with other people and organizations.

Information Accuracy

We will do our best to ensure your Personal Information is accurate and current.  It is important that you contact us with any changes to your Personal Information.

if you do not consent, or have withdrawn your consent, to our collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, you should immediately stop using our Service and Website, and should not provide Personal Information to us.

Retaining your Personal Information

LetHub retains your Personal Information in our information database for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected and to comply with applicable laws.  LetHub may delete Personal Information reported about you by a data supplier, if our relationship with the data supplier comes to an end.

Security of Personal Information

The security of your Personal Information is important to us.  LetHub maintains appropriate safeguards to protect the Personal Information in its custody from loss or theft, as well as to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, modification, copying, disposal or similar risks.  However, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure.  We use commercially reasonable means to protect your Personal Information, but we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Your log-in requires you to use a password.  It is your responsibility to use a password that is secure and is not easy to guess.  You should not share your password.


LetHub’s Website makes use of “per-session” cookies stored only in a browser’s temporary memory and are deleted when the browser is shut down.

LetHub uses cookies and other similar technologies on the Service. We may also allow our business partners to use their cookies and other tracking technologies on the Service. As a result, when you access or use the Service, you will provide or make available certain information to us and to our business partners.

While you may disable the usage of cookies through your browser settings, we do not change our practices in response to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from your browser or mobile application. We track your activities if you click on advertisements for LetHub services on third party platforms such as search engines and social networks, and may use analytics to track what you do in response to those advertisements.

Third Party Service Providers

We may use third-party service providers to process and store Personal Information.  We or our third-party service providers may process or store your Personal Information in locations outside the direct control of LetHub, for instance, on servers or databases co-located with hosting providers.  Such Personal Information may be processed or stored in Canada or other countries.  As a result, your Personal Information may be subject to local laws, which may permit local law enforcement, government or national security authorities to have access to your Personal Information in certain circumstances.  In the event that we disclose your Personal Information to a third party for processing or storage, we require such third party to protect your Personal Information in a manner consistent with our own privacy measures, subject to the law of the applicable jurisdiction.

Please be advised that you are responsible for authorizing disclosure to such third party providers, and LetHub is not responsible for misuse of your Personal Information by these third party providers.

Links to Third Party Sites

Our Website may offer links to other third party websites.  You should be aware that operators of linked websites may also collect your Personal Information and information generated through the use of cookies or other tracking technologies when you visit their websites.  LetHub is not responsible for how such third parties collect, use or disclose your Personal Information, so it is important to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies before visiting their websites or providing them with your Personal Information.

This policy does not apply to any website, product or service of any third-party company even if the website links to (or is linked from) our Website.  We do not operate or control those websites, products or services.

Privacy Related Inquiries

We have appointed a Privacy Officer to oversee our compliance with this Privacy Policy.

We will respect your request for access to your Personal Information.  Send all requests or questions about our privacy practices to us by email at  You may also email us at if you wish to deactivate your account.  Please note, however, that even after you deactivate your account, we may retain archived copies of information about you and your transactions for a period of time that is consistent with applicable law.


The Website Application and Services are intended solely for persons who are 18 or older. Any access to or use of the Site, Application or Services by anyone under 18 is expressly prohibited. By accessing or using the Site, Application or Services you represent and warrant that you are 18 or older.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

LetHub reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time without notice.  The Privacy Policy posted at any time or from time to time via our Website shall be deemed to be the Privacy Policy then in effect.