How to turn guest cards from your PM Software into qualified leads in LetHub

A guide to forwarding your guest cards to us. If you receive all inquiries in an email inbox and not a Property Management Software, please refer to this article.

Step 1:

  • Navigate to the "Settings" page of your LetHub account and scroll to the “Email” section.
  • Create an auto-generated email by inputting a Name (Example below is for Appfolio users).

Step 2:

  • Input your email in the“Forward emails to” column and turn on forwarding. Note: You will turn this off in the Step 4.
  • Be sure to click Save,

Step 3:

  • Create a new user in yourPM Software for that auto-generated email.

                    o  Name: Let Hub

                     o  Email: your auto-generated email

                     o  Role: Property Manager

  • You will get a verification email from your PM Software in the inbox of forwarding email you inputted in Step 2. Confirm this new user and set a password.

Step 4:

  • Log into this new user account with the auto-generated email and the password you set in the last step.
  • Go to the Settings of this account and check the box for "New Guest Cards are received".

Step 5:

  • You are now live! All your guest cards are being forwarded to us and we will email your leads to book a tour!
  • You can go back in LetHub and turn off "Forward Emails to" so you don't get an email for every guest card!

All done! You just automated 70% of your day! :)

Still having issues? Please contact support