Innovative Realty's Story

How Kati uses Intelligent ID Verification to eliminate scams

About Innovative Realty

Innovative Realty is a full-service real estate brokerage and property management company serving all of Central Florida. They specialize in the management of single-family homes, condos, and multi-family homes.

Mission: Scams' Elimination

As an experienced Director of Operations, Kati knew she had a serious problem when a prospect complained about being scammed at one of her listings.

"We were being targeted based on how easily people could access the property. It was becoming very difficult for my team to deal with the constant calls from people that were being scammed and having to deal with the fallout from each of those listings." she recalls.

Switching from Rently to LetHub: A breath of fresh air!

Kati's team was using Appfolio in conjunction with Codeboxes but the security was very weak. Consequently, they switched to Rently and ended up dealing with integration issues.

"We had to deal with a lot of complaints because of their $1.00 hold on the credit cards. Moreover, having two totally separate systems that didn't speak to one another was very cumbersome."

Kati and her exhausted team finally decided to switch to LetHub and they were up and running within a week.

"We joined with Lethub in January. And have had no scamming since then. We've had no calls from prospects about our listings being stolen. Nobody calling to say that they gave money to somebody else. Nobody squatting in our properties." says Kati cheerfully.

"It's been somewhat of a breath of fresh air after the last couple of years of scamming."

Businesses we empower and their stories

Increase productivity and lower vacancy while increasing profitability.

Tenant Planet's vacancies reduced by 40% after using LetHub's automation case study

How Tenant Planet leveraged automation to reduce vacancies by 40%

Innovative Realty problems with scammers and squatters solved after using LetHub

How Kati uses Intelligent ID Verification to eliminate scams

Witchita Rentals booking 4X showings after using LetHub

How Wichita Rentals books 4X more showings with LetHub