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Captures leads from ANY source and auto-responds within seconds

Simply connect your email inbox and send customized responses with unit-specific booking links while keeping a track of all leads

Follows up with Prospects

Automatically follows up with prospects multiple times who showed interest but didn't book a tour

Books back-to-back tours and assigns showings

Robust scheduling engine that syncs with your leasing calendar and organizes showings based on location and team availability

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Organizes Lead info and Syncs to your favorite CRM

Access leads from LetHub's CRM or push to your favorite CRM to set up automated workflows

Generate, schedule and analyze custom property reports

Set up and schedule unit-specific reports for owners. Monitor leasing team performance in real-time.

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auto-respond property managementno show automationAI property managementScheduling for agentsZapier integration property managementROI reporting property management

Powerful AI that instantly responds to questions and books tours 10X faster while maintaining a human touch

Hi, I would like to see 1456 Main St. When is a good time to drop by?

Sure thing, please select a time that work below

May 15, 9:20 AM

May 16, 10:00 AM

May 20, 10:00 AM

Another date...

Hi there, I have a question regarding the unit

Sure, feel free to ask anything!

Is there a gym in the building?

Yes! There is a gym inside the building and it's FREE!

Hi there, I have a question regarding your pet policy

For sure. We love pets 🐶. Here is our pet policy:
2 pets, 25lb limit.
One time pet deposit $300

Is there free parking?

Underground parking is $50/month but off-street parking is free.

Thanks. Is there internet?

Yes, WiFi is included along with heating.

What Our Customers Say

Capture and respond to leads from 100+ listing sites

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"LetHub helped us get back 212 hours of staff time and $12K in rental income."
Parker - TP Property Management California

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Learn how LetHub can cut down vacancy while maintaining a human touch.